Sunday, February 27, 2011

As hard as I tried...

I missed a day. :( I knew this wasn't going to be easy. Yesterday was tough though. I was busy all day and just didn't get a chance to open my devotional book. I had a revelation in church though as I sat and thought about how mad I was at myself for missing. I realized that I was trying in my own humanly power to read every day, but that wasn't enough for me. I felt like I should pray and ask God to help me find the time and give me the motivation I need. So, I did and I have to day, I already feel better about the coming days. I do have to admit though, I've had this revelation before...many times before. Any time I've ever tried to do things in my own power and failed, I felt the need to ask God to help me succeed. I am successful every time, until I try and do it in my own power again. And then the cycle starts all over. :/
Anyway, I do plan on writing about day 6 and day 7 as I promised myself I wouldn't fall behind regardless if I skipped a day. Read on for more.

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