Sunday, September 18, 2011

I am not afraid

Sometimes I can't take it. It's probably my own fault. I read news websites. Forget about newspapers, they are a thing of the past. I live in a technologically advance society. The way I read news websites is equivalent to reading 198503 newspapers. But like I said, its my own fault. I choose to read about what's going on in the world, then spending hours on facebook damaging valuable brain cells. I like to stay up to date with what's going on in this world, but sometimes I just can't take it. It almost gets depressing.
I promise I am going somewhere with this.
Why does the news never have anything good to say? Why do they cover stories of people dying or people who are already millionaires getting richer? These are not things I want to read about. It's not that I don't care, it's just that its' depressing to read about good people dying and it makes me nauseous reading about people who are getting richer that don't need the money.
Speaking of which...the reason for this blog. I'm going to rant prepared. My husband very cautiously turned on Micheal Moore's latest film, Capitalism: A love story. Bad idea, considering that I already know too much about politics and the greedy people involved. This movie was just a reminder of how corrupt people in politics truly are. The bailout was voted down (for those of you who don't know, it was to give money back to mortgage companies and banks...not to help the people). It was a good thing to vote this down. It's not the governments problem to help out banks. However, even though it was voted down...they re voted a few days later and it was passed. So here goes 700 billion dollars to help out these already rich and greedy executives so they could take luxurious vacations and have meetings pool side in paradise. How nice of them.
This makes my blood boil; however, I wasn't too upset...less than usual actually. I realized that I can no longer put my faith or trust in our AWESOME American government (something that I was taught growing up). And I know I should have never put my faith and trust in any man or thing because they WILL fail and disappoint me, but I was raised on the American dream in school and at home. I was taught to work hard and be rewarded. The harder I worked, the more I would get rewarded.
It kind of makes sense right? But what about those people who work 90 hours a week at three different jobs just to put food on the table and clothes on the backs of their children? I thought food and clothes were expected, not a reward. Or what about those people who wants jobs and can't get them, but would work hard if given the opportunity?
My friends, the American dream has failed us. That is why I am giving up on the idea that I will ever be rich. I do not believe what the government has fed me. I don't believe in working hard and making tons of money.
What I do believe in; however, is God. I believe God will always provide, no matter what happens in the economy. No matter what happens in the stock market. No matter what happens in the housing market. God will always be there to BAIL me out with His own stimulus package. And although I may never EVER see 700 billion dollars in my life time, I truly believe my needs will always be met. Yes, there will be things I wish I could have, but I know I don't NEED it. God is my government and He is always there for ME...He is not greedy, He is not worried about the economy, and He does not take lavish vacations with my tax money. Could you imagine God taking a vacay with my tithe?! LOL funny thought, right???
Anyway, I am a realist to a fault and I know that although I trust God with financial situations whole heartedly, I still live in this greedy world, so I am careful with how I spend my money and I do have a budget. But I believe thats what God wants me to do. God has provided my husband with a great job that provides for our family. Ultimately, the money he makes is God's. It is only fair that we are responsible with what God has given us (dawgs, I am preaching to myself too..I have to remind myself).
I know to some of you, this might seem crazy, to trust in something I can't see. However, if God didn't prove Himself to me over and over, then I wouldn't continue to trust Him.
Allow God to prove Himself to you..I guarantee He won't let you down. It's not in His nature.

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