Thursday, October 6, 2011

Where did you meet Jesus today?

I met Jesus today on the treadmill, in my bedroom, while Caleb was sleeping, while listening to worship music, while watching the President on mute and it was the best moments of my day. God has continually broken me in a way that has made me want to get off my 'high horse.' I continually think I can handle life on my own, but God continually tells me and shows me I can't. Lately, things have happened that have been out of my control. I hate not being in control. I'm not a controlling person (at least I don't think I am), but I like to be in control of my surroundings and things (not people). God keeps showing me I cannot make it through this life without Him because He is the one that controls everything, not me.

Before I got on the treadmill, I listened to the President. He talked about the dying economy and the job market. I immediately thought about how we (Americans) are in such a bad way. Most of us are in a situation where we live pay check to pay check and if we missed one pay check, it would cripple us financially. I started to panic, but got on the treadmill anyway (my quiet time when Caleb is sleeping, is precious and short). I thought about how we'll never be able to sell our condo, how we will continue to live pay check to pay check and how things just kinda suck these days as far as money is concerned.

I turned on my Ipod and hit 'shuffle songs.' The first song that came on: 'O Praise Him' by David Crowder. I didn't know it at the time, but how appropriate. God was reminding me to praise him, even in the storm. One of my all time favorite verses, 'Though the fig tree fails to blossom, yet will I praise thee.' Next song, 'Shout to the Lord' by Lincoln Brewster. Another praise song! God has a funny way of doing things.

Then, it happened. God broke me. He reminded me of my sinful nature (God does this a lot and its awesome because it reminds me of how awesome He is and how awesome I'm not). I began to get teary eyed (yes, while running on the treadmill, LOL). I thanked God for his mercy and grace. I sucked, but He remained faithful to is always the case lately.

I began to just thank God for everything He is. I apologized for not trusting Him, AGAIN. I told myself over and over I just need to trust Him, just like I had told myself 29779872 times before, but I still can't get it right.

Then, God spoke to me. I was thinking about how we have a huge hole in our ceiling because of a leak. I was worrying about it, letting it get me all worked up, when God revealed to me that I should lay my burdens at His feet. I'm not gonna lie, I had to wonder what He was going to do with ALL my burdens, because there are a lot. But this word played over and over in my head and I decided to just believe it and do it. So, as hard as it is to just hand over all my worries to God, I will do it. And I will trust Him just like He has been telling me to.

My walk with God isn't ever easy. When it does get easy, then I know I'm getting too comfortable.

Where did you meet Jesus today? Was it at a coffee shop reading your Bible? Was it while talking with a friend? Was it in the shower (Im not gonna lie, Jesus meets me in the shower a lot, LOL)?

Today, Jesus met me on the treadmill.

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