Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 11 - Lesson From a Fish

Remember Peter? The fisherman? How Jesus told him to go fishing and find silver in a fish's mouth? That's what this devotional was about. Peter, a regular fisherman, had caught tons of fish, but never a fish with silver in its mouth. When Jesus told Peter to go fishing and that the first fish he caught would have silver in its mouth, I wonder if Peter gave Jesus a funny look. I know I would have! We don't really know what kind of look Peter gave Jesus, but we do know he listened.
Wigglesworth states that God does not want us to reason things out, for carnal reasoning will always land us in a bog of unbelief. And isn't that true?! Sometimes we let the human part of us take over too often. For me, I always doubt God's power because I simply cannot make sense of it with my human mind. For instance, take labor for example. I have been praying for a fast, relatively pain-free labor. The human in me says it is not humanly possible to have a pain-free labor. Ah ha, it is not HUMANLY possible, but it's possible with God. Some people might think I am crazy for thinking I will have a pain-free labor (after all, it IS labor), but why can't I believe for that? Isn't God capable of all things?

The reason I started this 30 day challenge was to build myself up for something I was very fearful about (i.e. labor). Since I've started the challenge, the fear is getting less and less and my faith is growing. Isn't God good!? All that is confirmed by what Wigglesworth says in this devotion: "All lack of faith is due to not feeding on God's Word."
The fear of labor had completely taken over me at one point. I was petrified. Since diving deep into this devotional book and reading the verses that go along with it (i.e. God's Word), my faith has increased and the fear has disappeared (don't get me wrong, there are still days when I let the fear get the best of me, but I've come a long way). Wigglesworth sums it up with a verse: Romans 10:17 - Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Wigglesworth also says this: "If you believe, the power of the enemy cannot stand, for God's Word is against him. Jesus gives us His Word to make faith effective. If you can believe in your heart, you begin to speak whatever you desire, and whatever you dare to say is done." (Mark 11:23-24) <----- God keeps giving me that verse, BTW.

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