I'm beginning to realize the importance and power of the Holy Spirit. I knew the Holy Spirit was powerful and I knew it was important (just read Forgotten God by Francis Chan), but Smith Wigglesworth REALLY emphasizes its power and necessity in our lives on a daily basis.
Wigglesworth sayd, "..this infilling always lifts a man to a plane above the ordinary." And I completely believe that. When I am in tune with God, I find myself making better decisions. There is something to be said about the power of the Holy Spirit in us and what it can do through us. I believe a lot of us don't give the Holy Spirit enough attention and that's why we don't see the miracles we used to see back in the day.
WIgglesworth talks about Stephen and Phillip who were appointed to serve tables, but instead, because they were filled with the Spirit, they saved souls. Wigglesworth says, "When you are with the power of the Holy Spirit, GOd will wonderfully work wherever you go." To me, that means, wherever you work, play, eat, wherever you are around people, you have the power to save souls and do miracle works. I've heard of stories of people getting saved in the mall because God told them to go talk to someone about Him.
Doing these marvelous works, however, means we also have to be in tune with God and that comes with diving deep into His Word on a daily basis (goes along with the devotional from yesterday "Always Advancing"). Our spiritual beings need to be fed on a daily basis so we can be strong and we need God's Word to do that.
Definitely interesting stuff!
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